Monday, October 8, 2007

Revenge as the "strange miracle of justice" in 'Tis Pity

After Vasques has duped Hippolita into drinking from the poisoned cup, everyone present exclaims "Wonderful justice!" (IV.i.87). Donado holds a similar sentiment after Giovanni's death when he says "Strange miracle of justice!" In both cases, revengers with no state-sponsored authority to judge and punish "take the law into their own hands," much to the delight of observing characters. Additionally, these remarks show that these "audiences" are filled with wonder and awe by the bloody actions. Are they awed more by the superb timing or spectacular nature of these murders? If people are satisfied (and almost entertained) by these acts of "justice," what does that say about the existence or efficacy of the state/religious authorities in matters of crime and punishment?

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